Automatic Opening Vents

Smoke control systems create and maintain a smoke-free layer above the floor,
or help to reduce smoke and heat build-up, by removing smoke and hot gases
released by a fire in the development stage

AOV purpose includes:

  • Keeping escape and access routes free from smoke
  • Facilitate firefighting operations
  • Delay and/or prevent flashover and thus full development of the fire
  • Protect equipment and furnishings
  • Reduce thermal effects on structural components during a fire
  • Reduce damage caused by thermal decomposition products and hot gases

Smoke control systems should be tested weekly and the schedule of maintenance referred to in BS 7346-8 is annually.
Some vent manufacturers specify 6 monthly maintenance requirements, aligning with your fire alarm system service.
If the system is found to be non-functioning during routine testing, or has become damaged, then the maintenance requirement is immediate.